Finding what we need can feel like a herculean task, but you have made it this far, and I hope this website can be a clarifying step on your path. 

My purpose here is to demonstrate, to the best of my ability, where I am coming from, how I work, and how I might be able to help you. 

“In a fog, you do not know you are getting wet, but as you keep walking you get wet little by little…So there is no need to worry about progress…Just to be sincere and make our full effort in each moment is enough.”

—Shunryu Susuki

Almost by definition, the people I work with do not fit into a neat diagnostic box.  They often struggle with issues across a number of domains, whether eating, substance use, career, identity, and of course relationships.  I also work with many people who are queer and/or artists. I am not afraid of a mess, and find that surviving chaos or fragmentation together can lead to the most transformational experiences. I feel privileged to work with every single person who has entered my office, and awestruck by the willingness people have to fight for their lives. Patients have reflected that our process feels intimate, energizing, and expansive. 

I recognize the vulnerability it takes to open yourself to the therapeutic process, and I promise to join you with patience, support, and hope on your path towards a more full understanding of yourself.